Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Home, the movie

On Sunday, Nov, 22 we will begin watching the movie "Home". This is a film crafted of beautiful images of the natural world, showing what was, what is and what may be. Narrated by Meryl Streep, the film emphasizes that it isn't God that intervenes in the course of the world, it's us. Please join us. Loving childcare is provided.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Evolutionary Psychology of Religiosity

Next Sunday, November 15, our speaker will be Myra Elder, one of my favorites.
Myra's going to speak on the psychology of religiosity. About this talk, Myra writes:

"Psychological Models of Religiosity:
How (and why) do we get religion? According to research in the field of psychology, religiosity is negatively correlated with IQ and educational level. Demographic research indicates that, the poorer the country, the more religious it is (the US is the rich outlier). On the other hand, being religious may be an evolutionary adaptation, because it includes four ways of knowing that advance the species: mysticism, ethics, myth, and ritual."

Join us this Sunday, November 15th, and see how Myra Elder plans to condense the fields of psychology, metaphysics, religion, and evolutionary biology into several digestible sound bites lasting about an hour.

More on Neuroscience, Bringing it back home.

We had a cancellation....so on short notice I added to the previous talk. It started our charge to dominate the earth as given in Genesis, then some Neuroscience, images and differences in brain function and response in individuals with defined genetic backgrounds (fMRI), then it went to the neuro basis of decision making, on to moral determinism and then whoop-ti-do through metaphysical reductionism, then on to the Gospels of Thomas and Matthew and ending up with a quote from Old Lodge Skins in Thomas Berger's "Little Big Man." And somehow, it all seemed to hang together.