Friday, August 26, 2016

Revisionist History -- Generous Orthodoxy

This Sunday we'll hear and discuss Malcolm Gladwell's podcast episode "Generous Orthodoxy," part ofe Revisionist History series. This is an empassioned tale of the Mennonite struggle with accepting LGBT members -- the story of father and son. There's something of a broader view of struggles with power structures. It's a powerful story. Please join us. We're warm and friendly.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

What you thnk about addiction is wrong

After not posting for several weeks while we watched the very excellent Michael Moore film, "Where to Invade Next", we're carrying on with a couple of short videos on addiction and the weight of connectedness. Here's a link to a TED talk, and here's one that'll serve as a short introduction.
Join us. We're fun.

What you thnk about addiction is wrong

After not posting for several weeks while we watched the very excellent Michael Moore film, "Where to Invade Next", we're carrying on with a couple of short videos on addiction and the weight of connectedness. Here's a link to a TED talk, and here's one that'll serve as a short introduction.
Join us. We're fun.