Friday, May 23, 2014

Your Inner Fish, part 2 with Julie Wade

This Sunday, Dr.Julie Wade will show part 2 of the outstanding series, "Your Inner Fish". Last week's part 1 was a hit with the Adult Forum. The series features Dr. Neil Shubin, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago. Several years ago Shubin rocked the science world by having predicted the existence of, and then finding a transitional fossil of fish with the ability to swim and walk on land. He named the fossil Tilaalik. It provides the basis of the human body plan.
From the series PB website:

"Have you ever wondered why the human body looks the way it does? Why our hands have five fingers instead of six? Why we walk on two legs instead of four?
It took more than 350 million years for the human body to take shape. How did it become the complicated, quirky, amazing machine it is today?
Your Inner Fish delves deep into the past to answer these questions. The three-part series, which premiered April 9. 2014, reveals a startling truth: Hidden within the human body is a story of life on Earth."

Please us at 9:45. Loving childcare is provided. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Disease Mongering, Dr. Zach Walls

This Sunday, May 11th, we'll hear from Dr. Zach Walls on the topic of "Disease Mongering." Dr. Walls writes: "Disease mongering is the term given to the often intentional practice of widening the boundaries and/or definition of illness while simultaneously narrowing the causes of disease. The process has numerous manifestations, but pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical professionals are widely seen as culpable for its perpetration on a populace ill-prepared to counter their statistical and scientific claims. Disease mongering continues to shape our society's concept of health and change the ways in which medicine is practiced."

Zach is a native of Austin, Tx. He earned his BS in Mathematics at Tulane, and his Ph.D. in Pharmacology at UCLA and Stanford. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow in Biopharmaceutics at the University of Michigan prior to joining the faculty in the Gatton College of Pharmacy at ETSU.

Please join us for a fascinating presentation. Loving childcare is provided.