Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Brene Brown Preaches

This Sunday, Februrary 11, we'll hear and discuss Dr. Brene Brown's recent sermon at the Washington National Cathedral. Regular Adult Forumer's will recall several previous times when Brene Brown has been our featured topic, especially her talks on empathy and vulnerability. She is a well-known and popular speaker who has been on NPR, PBS, CNN, The Washington Post and Psychology Today. From her webpage at Rice University: 

"BrenĂ© has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. BrenĂ© spent the first five years of her decade-long study focusing on shame and empathy, and is now using that work to explore a concept that she calls Wholeheartedness. She poses the questions: How do we learn to embrace our vulnerabilities and imperfections so that we can engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness? How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to recognize that we are enough – that we are worthy of love, belonging, and joy?"
Please join us a 9:45. We'll be delighted to see you.