Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Robert Funk on Spiritual Self-indulgence

In “Honest to Jesus” Robert Funk writes that spirituality can be turned into a form of self-indulgence by insisting that “the Bible is a sourcebook for private spiritual nurture.” Funk continues, “Because scripture is considered ‘spiritual,’ individual are entitled to extract their own ‘spirituality’ in private, without the assistance of historical or critical analysis or, for that matter without reference to what the text meant originally. The doctrine that the state may not interfere with religious thought and practice and may not abridge freedom in that sector is taken as a guarantee that religion is a private and personal matter. Accordingly, everyone is permitted to be his or her own expert. Everyone is his or her own authority on the subject; no one has the right to tell an individual what the Bible or the gospels mean.

“This conviction has considerable merit. I subscribe to it myself.

“However, for many it is no more than a shield for self-indulgence, a prescription for do-it-yourself brain surgery. If in private meditation we are satisfied without own secret responses to a text that we may not, in fact, understand, then we have done no more than confirm our prejudices, invoking the text as an ally in self-deceit.”

Please join us as we discuss this topic, congratulate ourselves by citing some egregious examples, and then hopefully, with some honest reflection, explore alternatives.

We’ll be delighted to see you. As always, loving childcare is provided.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We're having an unscripted session on this coming Sunday. Who knows what the topic will be. Join us. Tender-loving childcare is provided.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The social cost of income inequality

Next Sunday, November 20, we'll view and discuss an on-line presentation by British economist, Richard Wilkinson. This is a surprizing and powerful presentation. Wilkinson demonstrates the inevitable relationship between income inequality and social ills. Preview here:

We hope to see you there. As ever, loving childcare is provided.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No meeting on Nov 13

We're making room for the 10,000 Villages sale, so we won't be meeting on Nov 13.

However, we're still on for Nov 20 when we'll view and discuss an on-line presentation by British economist, Richard Wilkinson. This is a surprising and powerful presentation. Wilkinson demonstrates the inevitable relationship between income inequality and social ills. Preview here:

We hope to see you soon.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

No Meeting on November 6

We cancelled the Adult Forum for Sunday, November 6. We needed to make room for the Gratitude Dinner, to which you are warmly invited. It's for all of us.
Next Sunday, November 13, we'll view and discuss an on-line presentation by British economist, Richard Wilkinson. This is a surprizing and powerful presentation. Wilkinson demonstrates the inevitable relationship between income inequality and social ills. Preview here: We hope to see you soon.