Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kip Elolia and Bread and Water in Kenya

This coming Sunday Kip Elolia will make a presentation to the Adult Forum on Bread and Water: A water furrow and irrigation system in Kerio Valley, Kenya.
Kip was born in Kerio Valley. He studied theology in Kenya. He is a professor of Theology and World Christianity at Emmanuel Christian Seminary.
Some of you may remember him from a sermon he gave at our church last year.
Please join us for this important session. We'll be happy to see you. Excellent childcare is provided.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Travels to India

Rebecca Nunley recently returned from her trip to India. This coming Sunday Rebecca will share her experience. She writes,
" I traveled to India with Russill Paul and his wife Asha ( I am happy to share information about the trip and as much of my experience as I can describe! We lived in an Ashram in India where Bede Griffiths and others worked to glean the gems of the world's spiritual traditions. It was a rich and rewarding journey."

Please join us.
Excellent childcare is provided.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Evolution Sunday! Continues

This Sunday, Dr. Julie Wade will pick up where she left off, giving us more to the story of the underlying means that have supported our evolution to our present day condition. Please join us at 9:45. and as ever, loving childcare is provided.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Evolution Sunday!

Once again, our favorite Biology Professor, Dr. Julia Wade will lead our Forum's celebration of Evolution Sunday, falling this year, precisely on Charles Darwin's 203rd birthday.

Dr. Wade's synopsis reads:

"Evolution via natural selection was first introduced by Charles Darwin in 1859 with the publication of his book “The Origin of Species.” His research became the foundation on which generations of biologists have continued to build. In this talk we shall examine four major areas of research in the last 150 years that have strengthened his theory in ways he never dreamed possible. These areas include:

1. Darwin’s original theory of natural selection

2. The Modern Synthesis of the 1930’s and 1940’s that combined genetics with evolution

3. The discovery of DNA structure and the sequencing of several genomes, including our own

4. The role of evolutionary embryology and development which is referred to as Evo-Devo

Evo-Devo has revolutionized our understanding of the origin of species because it has explained how animals have evolved from the Cambrian Period (over 500 million years ago) to the present using many of the same basic “tool kit” genes!! Such an understanding of life on earth is critical if we are to be intelligent stewards of our planet."

Please join us for an enlightening meeting. Loving childcare is provided.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Evolutionarily speaking, Jesus was right.

In advance of Evolution Sunday (Feb 12th) we're going to look at evidence of the origins of altruism and generosity. In our traditional view of evolution we think of survival of the fittest model, and we envision this model with a strong bias for individualism and self-interest. It is difficult to reconcile the surviving fittest with generosity, charity, forgiveness and other behaviors that fall under the moral umbrella created by the values of Jesus. ("how many times should I forgive...")
Early work by game theorists in the 1970's and 80's gave us the validity of the "tit-for-tat" or "eye for an eye" theory of reciprocity and cooperation. More recent work by evolutionary psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby suggests that altruism and a certain amount of self-sacrifice can help make for a healthier, more prosperous world.
Please join us Sunday morning at 9:45 for what will hopefully be an interesting session. Loving childcare is provided.