Two items for our discussion on Sunday morning, November 25. First are two of the tenets of Moses Maimonides, a preeminent Jewish scholar of the 12th century. The one of these tenets is the notion of true beliefs versus necessary beliefs. For example Maimonides held that a true belief is that God is the perfect master of His emotions, never the victim of his own passions, while a necessary belief is that God may become angry if humans sin. This is a belief necessary to prevent people from sinning. While this example is obvious, other of our beliefs are more subtle. The second of Maimonides' tenets we'll consider is seen within his statement, "If you want to know God, seek to understand science and nature." We'll hold this up to the light while we consider a synopsis of recent findings on "Why we don't believe in science." Read a preview by c
licking here. The intersection of these topics should be illuminating. Please be warmly welcome, regulars and newcomers alike. And if you attended last week and have more "In heavens..." bring them.