Thursday, April 25, 2013

"LIFE, LIFE" with Don Cupitt

This Sunday we'll have a look at a reading from Don Cupitt's book Life, Life.
Paraphrased from the book...."In modern thinking people have increasingly come to see the world as primarily one of ordinary life. Don Cupitt argues that we speak of life very much as people used to speak of God: faith in live, what life has in store for us, wrestling with life, etc. In Life, Life he has assembled some 250 life-idoms. Cupitt mines these to develop a modern religious philosophy of human life. In it, ethics and stories take the place of traditional supernatural dogma."
Please joins us for an interesting look at religion from life's perspective.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Anxiety and Evolution, Once again

This is going so well, we're going to schedule it one more time. Please join us for some interesting discussion on the evolutionary basis of anxiety -- why we have it, what benefits we derive from it, and what it means when anxiety becomes pathological.
We'll be delighted to see you.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Evolution and Anxiety, Redux

Last Sunday we had a change of plan, so.....once again, this coming Sunday, led by Rebecca Nunley, our topic is Evolution and Anxiety. Admittedly, that is an ambiguous topic that could be interpreted more than one way. It could refer to the anxiety experienced by the idea of evolution, or it could refer to the evolutionary basis of anxiety. We'll talk about both sides, and the relatedness of these interpretations.

Please join us. We'll be delighted to see you.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Evolution and Anxiety

This coming Sunday, led by Rebecca Nunley, our topic is Evolution and Anxiety. Admittedly, that is an ambiguous topic that could be interpreted more than one way. It could refer to the anxiety experienced by the idea of evolution, or it could refer to the evolutionary basis of anxiety. We'll talk about both sides, and the relatedness of these interpretations.
Please join us. We'll be delighted to see you.