Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Painting the Stars, A Renaissance of Wonder

Last Sunday we viewed a lesson from the Living the Questions dvd, Painting the Stars. That lesson was on "Healing the Rift," ie., the rift between science and faith. It was good.
This coming Sunday, September 1, we'll view the second lesson, "A Renaissance of Wonder." The study materials include the following:

"Much of modern life is lived in a state of what sociologist Max Weber called
'disenchantment.' By this he meant that over the course of the modern period—
roughly the last 500 years—the cosmos has systematically been voided of
Spirit. A distinctive feature of the modern period is that if somebody were to walk
into your home and find you on your knees praying, or catch you with your arms
flung open in a gesture of thanksgiving to the cosmos you would be
embarrassed. This is the first period in the history of humanity in which this was

and this from Fyodor Dostoyevsky:

"Love all Creation,
The whole of it and every grain of sand
Love every leaf
Every ray of God’s light
Love the animals
Love the plants
Love everything
If you love everything
You will perceive
The divine mystery in things
And once you have perceived it
You will begin to comprehend it ceaselessly
More and more everyday
And you will at last come to love the whole world
With an abiding universal love."

These are but tips of the iceberg. Please join us for what will hopefully be an intelligent, thoughtful discourse on the intersection of science and faith.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why Jesus Matters

In a recent talk, Marcus Borg said, ""Jesus matters for Christians because he was for us the decisive disclosure of God." This coming Sunday we will watch and discuss a portion of Borg's presentation on "Why Jesus Matters, which you can preview at this link: Click here. We'll also have a look at, what I think, are two of the most telling passages in the New Testament, Mark 7:9-30, and John 10:30-34. These passages may speak volumes to the common humanity we share with Jesus.
Please join us for some thoughtful discussion. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Our Labyrinth at FPCe

This coming Sunday, August 4, Aubrie Abernethy will talk about our unique Labyrinth at FPCe, its history, and its application in our lives. 
"Have you ever imagined that by simply putting one foot in front of the other and walking a labyrinth you might quiet your mind and find yourself in a place of mystery and discovery?? For thousands of years, across a myriad of religious traditions and cultures people have walked labyrinths in search of meaning and life's purpose. Please join us as we explore a subject that has intrigued many for centuries. Learn how our own First Presbyterian's labyrinth came about and you may be inspired to venture out to walk the labyrinth."
Please join us. We'll be delighted to see you

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Deconstructing Original Sin

We all know the story of original sin. Eve did it, suckered Adam into it, and now we're all guilty of it, and the only way we can be saved of it is through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. I've had such a hard time with this narrative. It is so beautiful and compelling for some, and completely unconvincing to me. Some find joy and meaning in the story, and I'm not one of them. I just don't believe it. the story is logically inconsistent, and morally indigestible. We'll look at the why on Sunday morning.

Here are two important links: Rimsha Masihi and Eve.

On the following Sunday, we'll talk about what is beautiful and compelling within Christianity, apart from original sin.
Please join us. We'll be delighted to see you.