Monday, January 27, 2014

Prelude to Evolution Sunday: Why it's important

On February 9th will begin our series on Evolution Sunday with Julie Wade, Ph.D. As a prelude to that, this coming Sunday, February 2, we'll have a listen to astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson in his recent interview on Bill Moyers and Company. It's a thoughtful, though hair-raising video that does nothing if not underscore the importance of our understanding of evolution. You can preview the video here:
Join us. We'll be delighted to see you.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Simon Sinek and the Why of what we do.

This coming Sunday, January 26 we'll view and discuss Simon Sinek's Ted-talk. The presentation is curiously titled, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." It's curious because the talk is not about inspiring others. The focus is more about what lies at the center of the question, "why do we do what we do." This video has been viewed more than 14 million times, making it one of the most popular Ted-talks. It's one of my favorites. Join us for a fun, lively discussion. All are welcome. Child care is provided.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The magic of bright, curious minds.

As of today, I don't have anything definite planned. But I've seen us be at a loss for something interesting to talk about. Join us and the magic of bright, curious minds will happen.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Albert Mohler on Pope Francis

As a counter-point to last week's class in which we heard Johns Shelby Spong speak on the value of a mystical reading of the Gospel of John, this week we'll have a look at the writing of Albert Mohler on some of the words of Pope Francis. Mohler is a conservative, evangelical, fundamentalist, and president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to being an impressively skille writer, Mohler, is a theological exclusivist, believing that Jesus is the only way to salvation. He interprets the Gospel of John literally, where Spong takes a much different approach. The contrast between the two positions is worth a look, and one we'll take through a reading of one of Mohler's recent blog entries, available here: click me. Join us!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

John Shelby Spong on "Religion for Life"

Happy New Year!
This coming Sunday we are going to hear and discuss Bishop John Shelby Spong's interview with John Shuck on "Religion for Life." In this interview Spong discusses his latest book (The Fourth Gospel) and his revised perception of the Gospel of John, seen through the lens of mysticism.
You can preview the interview, here:
Please join us.