Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Epigenetics, Controlling the Genes with Julie Wade

This coming Sunday, March 2, Dr. Julie Wade will resume her series on the fascinating topic of epigenetics and the way these "above the gene" factors impact the expression of who we are.
Please join us. We'll be delighted to see you. Loving childcare is provided.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"God's Eldest Daughter" by Bo Abernethy

This coming Sunday, February 23rd, we'll host Aubrie Abernethy and her sister-in-law, Thais who worked to publish Bo Abernethy's book, "God's Eldest Daughter."

From the publisher:

"'This book carries a guarantee, not that I am making, but one the Source of us has already made.'
Do you believe in God or something bigger than yourself? Do you ask yourself what is the purpose of life? Do you feel that something is missing, that life is somehow incomplete?
Bo Abernethy did. He seemed to have it all: a lucrative career as a highly esteemed architect, attention as a sought-after party guy, and a hard-drinking, loud-laughing, sailing-the-oceans, skiing-the-mountains lifestyle.
He was having a great time, except he wasn’t. He was miserable, and running from his suffering. He was, as he puts it, 'exhausted by my own incompletion.'
'God’s Eldest Daughter' documents the inspiring and universal journey of one man’s real connection to meaning. In relating his personal and unique tale, he provides powerful tools to support the reader in his or her own awakening. The reader will gain a wealth of practical and profound information from 'A Course in Miracles' (of which Abernethy was a respected scholar and teacher), as well as many other time-honored teachings."

Please join us for what promises to be a fascinating presentation.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Epigenetics Continues with Dr. Wade

This coming Sunday, February 16, Prof. Julie Wade will continue her presentation on Epigenetics. Last Sunday was a great session. Join us for more of the same!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


This coming Sunday, February 9th, we celebrate Evolution Sunday with a presentation  by Dr. Julie Wade, retire professor of Biology at Milligan College. Dr. Wade's talk will focus on the fascinating topic of epigenetics. She writes:
"Genetic mechanisms involved in evolution are far more complex than previously thought.  Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do NOT involve alterations to the genetic code but still get passed down to at least one successive generation.  These changes are governed by cell material (such as methyl groups) that sit outside the genome (the epigenome) and can attach to the DNA.  This material tells your genes to switch on or off due to environmental factors such as diet, stress, or nutrition.  It is the nongenetic transfer of information through cells, and it can influence evolution.  These biochemical switches may be implicated in many forms of cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and other diseases.   Come and learn more about this fascinating twist that continues to drive modern day evolution as our environment becomes more and more stressful and impacts our genes in different ways."
Please be warmly welcome to join in the discussion.