Friday, December 19, 2014

What's up on Dec 21

Nothing specific is planned. Probably, we'll just sit around and talk. That usually works. Join us.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Radiolab -- Words

This coming Sunday, Dec 14th, we hear and discuss a portion of the podcast entitled "Words" from Radiolab. Here's the link: Click me. The theme of the program revolves around the idea that our ability to think, visual, conceive understand and appreciate ourselves and the world is strongly dependent on our ability to use language. The strongest evidence comes from deaf children raised in remote areas, who learn language later in life. The implications of this idea are both enormous and intimate. Please join us.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sea of Faith -- Albert Schweitzer

For December 7, we'll view and discuss the "Sea of Faith" section on Albert Schweitzer. Schweitzer is most remembered as a self-less physician who devoted his life to missionary medical work in the wilds of east Africa, and less known for his radical theology that caused him to be banned from preaching. He authored "The Quest for the Historical Jesus" in 1910, a precursor to the work of the modern-day Jesus seminar. Preview the video here; CLICK. Please join us for a quick study of this remarkable life.