Tuesday, September 29, 2015

One more Spong,,,

He's just too watchable. This coming Sunday, October 4th we will view and discuss Bishop Spong's sermon: "From a Tribal God to a Universal Presence." Here's the preview: click me. Please join us. You'll be warmly welcome.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Spong on a New Christianity

This Sunday, September 27th, we will watch and discuss the second half of Bishop John Shelby Spong's talk on "What a new Christianity for a new world will contain." You can preview the video: Click here. Spong gives a compelling presentation, consistent with his on-going message of the necessary humanity of Christianity and our role in living it out. Please join us in Martin Hall at 9:45. We'll be delighted to see you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Spong on "Why Christianity as we know it is dying"

This coming Sunday, September 20th we will view and discuss the first part of a two session series by Bishop John Shelby Spong. In the first video Spong addresses some of the non-sustainable aspects of traditional Christianity. In the second part (next week) he speaks to what Christianity needs to focus on in order to thrive in the future. Here's a link to the first video: click here.
Please join us at 9:45. We'll be delighted to see you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Still more "Religion in America"

This coming Sunday, September 13th, we will finish up the series on "Religion in America." This has been an excellent review of our nation's historical past, comparing, for example, the personal salvation Christianity of Billy Graham with the social justice Christianity of Martin Luther King. Lots of food for thought. Please be warmly welcome to join us. Come as you are.