Monday, March 14, 2016

John O'Donohue OnBeing with Krista Tippett

For March 20, and following several recommendations, we'll listen to the first portion of Krista Tippett's interview with John O'Donohue on "The Inner Landscape of Beauty." You can preview the dialogue by clicking here.
According to the website, "The Irish poet and philosopher John O'Donohue was beloved for his book Anam Ċara, Gaelic for "soul friend," and for his insistence on beauty as a human calling. In one of his last interviews before his death in 2008, he articulated a Celtic imagination about how the material and the spiritual — the visible and the invisible — intertwine in human experience. His voice and writings continue to bring ancient mystical wisdom to modern confusions and longings." It's a beautiful narrative. Please join us.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

We Choose Welcome


On This Sunday, March 13, we will dedicate the day to stand with our Muslim neighbors as we join with many other churches of all denominations across our nation as choose to WELCOME Syrian refugees who are fleeing for their lives, looking for a new home.
We will meet at 9:45 in Martin Hall for the Adult Forum, followed by worship in the sanctuary at 11 AM.
We will have our picture taken with a banner, followed by a time for letter writing to our elected officials. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Evolution, Round 3! More on your personal microbiome

Dr. Julie Wade will continue her presentation on the Human Microbiome this coming Sunday, March 6th. Please join us for this talented, engaging series as we continue to celebrate Evolution Sunday.