Monday, January 3, 2011

Evangelical Backlash on Environmentalism

Last week an article in the NY Times led off with this video clip:

It is inflammatory. The magnitude of the corruption and dishonesty required to produce such a video is difficult, or nearly impossible to comprehend. I found myself thinking that the group that produced this video, the "Cornwall Allaince" are possessed of a vile, reprehensible theology.

Here's the link to the NYT article: Here

My first inclination is to show how easy it is to find succinct and comprehensive evidence of the overwhelming science that supports the facts of global warming, such as may be found at NASA or the Evironmental Protection Agency.

But, with a closer look and some inquiry, it becomes evident that the Cornwall Alliance formed as a response to what was percieved as a direct threat arising from a schism deep within the fundamentalist right. This schism erupted when Rich Cizik, former vice president for governmental affairs at the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) broke ranks with the hard core conservatives... Cizik not only accepted the science of global warming, he spoke positively of civil unions on Terri Gross' "Fresh Air." It ensured his forced resignation.

This Sunday we'll have a look at the position of Cornwall Alliance and its claim of the anti-Christian nature of climate change, the EPA's summary statement of the science of global warming, and Rich Cizik's efforts to promote global warming awareness through Creation Care.

Please join us Sunday as we have a closer look at the fascinating triangulation. There's hope in it.

As ever, excellent childcare is provided.


  1. Amazing to me the levels to which people will go to deny reality. One of the new Senators from Illinois read chapters from Genesis during a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING as "proof" that God would never allow us to wreck the planet, and therefore there is no need to concern ourselves with the liberal malarkey known as climate change.

  2. might enjoy this. Put on your intellectual running shoes:
