Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lost in Translation

The History Channel is running a series on religion. Episode one is entitled "Lost in Translation" and it addresses textual criticism of the Bible as seen through the lens of various scholars, including Elaine Pagels, Bart Erhmann and Reza Aslan. Here's the blurb for the program's website:

"The Bible is one of the most influential and important books ever written and is considered by millions around the world to be the actual word of God. But has the Bible been translated, edited and even censored so many times throughout history that its original stories have been compromised? This episode explores many eye-opening contradictions and questions from a variety of historical and theological perspectives that have been debated for centuries. Is it possible that Moses did not actually write the first five books of the Old Testament? Could it be that David may not have been the real killer of Goliath? Were the four gospels of the New Testament attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John actually written by completely different authors? With the discovery of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, and with recent archaeological findings about the New Testament, religious scholars have found evidence of many truly compelling Bible secrets."

Please join us as we view and discuss parts of this interesting documentary. Preview available here: CLICK ME.

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