Wednesday, September 17, 2014

LtQ2.0 Debunking the Rapture

This coming Sunday, September 21st, we are going to continue the Living the Questions2 series with the chapter, "Debunking the Rapture."

This popular topic challenges the notion the we are at the end of times and that Jesus will literally come again to "meet us in the air". We'll talk about how presumed imminent coming of the rapture supports an image of a violent Jesus, an angry God bent on retribution and punishment, how it fosters a world view consistent with the abdication of responsible stewardship of the earth and our environment, and most notably, a world view that actively promotes war, death and destruction.

Here's a link to Barbara Rossing who appears in our video

And here's one to a site that underscores what it is that needs to be debunked, and why this is a serious issue:

Please joins us. This will be fun!

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