Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Joel Carillet: How Travel Teaches us to Love

Joel Carillet will be sharing stories and reflections that went into the shaping of his new book, 30 Reasons to Travel: Photographs and Reflections from Southeast Asia. (You can find more information on the book via his website, http://www.joelcarillet.com/.)

Title: 30 Reasons to Travel (or, How Travel Teaches us to Love)

Joel's Synopsis: Traveling, when done well, is nothing less than learning to love — loving things like adventure and change, yes, but even more learning to love people with names like Mustafa, Flora, Yangyang, Sikander, and Balram. It is learning to love places in all their complexities and contradictions, beauty and horror. It is learning to love our connectedness — that no matter what the religion, war, language, or worldview, we are, when all is said and done, neighbors in a world we share.

This could be good! It inspires me to post this delightful video from Playing to Change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAjFnJuk1Aw


  1. When is (or was?) this? I'm really interested in this; I'm going to Malaysia and India in August. -Becca Knight

  2. It was this morning. I, dumbly, assumed that anyone finding this site would do so through the annoucements issued via First Pres. I see I need to add dates.

    Joel did a fine job. He mixes genuine humility with genuine concern for world peace. He walks the walk.
