Monday, September 21, 2009

Clean Water for all God's Children, and, We all live downstream...

This coming Sunday, September 27th, we are pleased to host Bob Armistead, who has spent years working on projects to provide clean water to folks who otherwise wouldn't have any. Most of us have a hard time imagining what that would be like.

We asked Bob for a synopsis of his presentation, and here's what he wrote:

"I am going to talk about a mission project of the Synod of Living Waters which was the burden of a Presbyterian Minister in Water Valley, Mississippi, Wil Howie. As soon as Wil began to talk about this to his friends it became a Spirit led brain-storm. Their subject was to design a small water purification system that would provide clean, drinkable water for people in Third World countries. They targeted niches where folk had never had drinkable water and who lived in out-of-the-way communities that might never ever have good water for themselves and their children.
This was thought of as a ministry to people in dire need. They hoped it would catch fire in churches as a mission. Therefore several scriptures came to mind:
Leviticus 19:34, Isaiah 41:17, Amos 4:8, Gospel of John 4:10 (From then on they called their project: Living Waters for the World), John 7:38, Mark 9:41.
From that Wil would say, 'Jesus Christ is Living Waters for your body and soul.'

The DVD will be shown called, CLEAN WATER FOR ALL GOD'S CHILDREN.

The title of my 8-minute talk is, WE ALL LIVE DOWNSTREAM.

Living Waters for the World's vision is to use the gift of clean water to bring together Christians in mission, and people of all nations for a life-changing experience with the Risen Christ. It is another way to show the love of Christ to communities with no drinkable water.
Our faith calls us to bring mission teams with national partners in need of clean water. We provide training in partnership development, health, hygiene, spiritual edification and water purification.

Our training center, CLEAN WATER U, has only been existence 10 years, yet 300 clean water systems have been installed, this one in Kenya by a team from FPC Tuscaloosa, and there are communities being served in 22 countries in the world.

This is more or less what this is about."

And there you have it. Thank you Bob Armistead! This will be a great opportunity to hear about clean water efforts in third world countries, AND we will have the chance to see how this project might fit into some "closer to home" water problems.

Please join us on Sunday morning at 9:45. We'll be delighted to have you.
Child care is provided.

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